“All on 5” is a recently popularized full-mouth implant restoration. In the All on 5 treatment, fixed teeth are placed on each jaw using 5 implants. These teeth can be made of metal-supported porcelain or zirconium. If the bone condition is not sufficient for All on 6 and All on 4 is not suitable due to bone deficiency, All on 5 becomes one of the most preferred full-mouth treatments. All on 5 is an effective full-mouth implant treatment applied in Turkey.
All on 5 is designed for individuals who are edentulous, have multiple missing teeth, or are at risk of losing their teeth. Periodontal diseases or poor oral hygiene can cause permanent damage to all teeth in such patients. In All on 5 treatment, all teeth are first extracted, and then a total of 10 implants are placed. All on 5 is ideal for patients with moderate oral bone conditions. In All on 5, implants are often placed without reaching the sinus region, although sinus lifting and bone grafting may be necessary in some cases. Sinus lifting might be required for patients whose sinuses approach the jawbone more than 8mm.
Firstly, it should be noted that both options are highly popular and approved full-mouth rehabilitation approaches. The decision on which treatment is better takes into account the patient’s age, chronic conditions, and bone condition. Dentists often prefer a higher number of implants in full-mouth implant treatments because a greater number of implants leads to more balanced pressure distribution. Future implant losses can be tolerated in mouths with a higher number of implants. All on 5 treatment is preferred for young and healthy patients if there is enough bone in the mouth and the general health conditions of the patients are favorable. If there is more significant bone and soft tissue loss in the patient’s mouth, All on 4 can be considered as an economic alternative. All on 4 is generally preferred for patients aged 65 and over. If there is insufficient bone for All on 4, alternative options such as ball-attachment dentures can be considered. Another difference between All on 5 and All on 4 is the type of fixed prosthetics placed on the implants. All on 5 can use zirconium or metal-supported prosthetics, while All on 4 often uses ceramic or metal-supported porcelain. Since zirconium is a non-flexible material, it can lead to breakage or damage to implants in a 4-implant system. The most effective method to determine which treatment is suitable is the evaluation by the surgeon after X-rays or 3D tomography.
All on 5 treatment starts with the surgical stage, similar to other full-mouth implant procedures, where existing teeth are extracted if present. Then, 5 implants are placed in the lower jaw and 5 in the upper jaw. If sinus lifting or bone grafting is necessary, these procedures are performed at this stage. After the operation, measurements are taken for temporary prosthetics, and the patient is immediately provided with a temporary prosthesis. This process takes a total of 3 days. A healing period of 3-6 months is required for recovery.
During the second visit, fixed teeth are made for the patient, which usually takes 7 days. The patient should visit Turkey twice for All on 5 treatment. Within a total of 3-6 months, the patient can obtain their new teeth.
All on 5 treatment is an economical option for full-mouth treatments. In Turkey, getting All on 5 done will cost approximately 3500€-4300€ per jaw on average. This cost may vary depending on each patient’s needs.
All-on-Five, an intense surgical operation which takes a n approximate timing of 4-5 hours, is the medium of having renewed teeth set with the help of 10 implants being insertes into the bone mass in the jawbone. The feeling of pain is not a part of the procedure since the local anesthesia is being used, although, it can be tiring and intensive. Post-operation phase might casue swelling and muscle fatigue and discomfort due to the nature of the operation where you keep your mouth open for a certain amount of time. The first month of your healing period can come accross as challenging from patient to patient, although, due to the mentioned reasons, the pain does not hold gravity in this situation. The best approach of getting through this period with a comfortable state is resting and caring of the mouth which are off significant importance
All-on-Five is a key to aim a long-lasting solution. The general duration of a high-quality All-on-Five prosthesis is 7-15 years. Although, the duration of the dental implants are typically longer than the mentioned prosthesis. The warranty given by some European brands covers a lifetime, enabling the implants being used over 20-25 years. In case of a need of changing the All-on-Five prosthesis emerging and the implants are of sustainable status, the prosthesis is changed by leaving the implants as they are. The main concern in this scenerio would be making sure of the sustainibility and durability of the implants to guarantee the heath and comfort of the patient.